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Summer Internship

Summer Intership

Summer internship is a way for high school sophomores and juniors to gain invaluable work experience by impacting our community in a meaningful way.

Applications are available through the High School Counselors at La Cañada High School. The Program is open to all Sophomores, Class of 2027 and Juniors, Class of 2026 in good standing at LCHS.

Each applicant from La Cañada High School shall submit an application for consideration by the La Cañada Flintridge Chamber of Commerce Intern Selection Committee. The Committee is interested in your goals/ambitions and any items you believe are not adequately represented in other sections of the application. On a separate sheet, submit a typed personal statement in 500-words or less that speaks to a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is meaningful to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are? Secondly, describe how you believe this internship will enable you to achieve your goals. Once the Selection Committee determines the winners of the Program, you will be notified and scheduled for an interview with employers.

The summer employment section of the program begins around the third week of June with an Orientation meeting for students, parents and employers. The work week is a period of 6 weeks and usually ends the last week in July. Work hours are five hours a day, four days a week for six weeks during the summer. There are other requirements for the program including a Power Point presentation to employers and Judges from the School District as well as attending various meetings with the Chamber, City and School District. The Scholarships will be awarded, the Top Intern for the year will be announced and given a bonus check at the LCF Chamber’s Installation and Awards Gala in January. For more information, please talk to your High School College Counselor or call the Chamber Office at (818) 790-4289.

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